
SuperUnit Launch: Exploration of different physical processes (magnetism, electricity, floating/sinking, light/sound, construction etc) Field Trip: Trips to Makerspaces in High School, Middle School, and Elementary School Guest Speaker(s): Student “makers”, Technology coach and teachers Projects: Children will take part in interest based projects Core Values: Academic Excellence: Critical Thinking Sense of Self: Lifelong Learning SuperUnit Celebration: Exploration of different physical processes with parents Physical Development and Motor Skills ● Takes things apart and invents new structures using the parts Social and Emotional Development ● Demonstrates self-control Approaches to Play and Learning ● Demonstrate interest and self-direction ● Demonstrate interest and curiosity ● Demonstrate a cooperative and flexible approach to play and learning Communication, Language, and Literacy ● Develop early phonological awareness Cognitive Development and General Knowledge ● Demonstrate knowledge related to physical science ● Explore and communicate about distance, weight, length, height and time ● Demonstrate awareness of cause and effect ● Demonstrate problem-solving skills Through play, I am able to Highlights of Learning Experiences Focus on Learning by Subject