
Super Unit Launch: Introduction to the Elementary School playground. Field Trip(s): Jump Arena Guest Speaker(s): David Carpenter (ES Counselor) Project(s): Using Seesaw journals, students will share the journey of how practicing helped them improve in an area of their lives. Core Values: Academic Excellence - Critical thinking, Self Management Sense of Self - Character, Lifelong Learning Balance in Life - Wellness, Balanced Obligations Super Unit Celebration: Students will share their journeys with their Grade 8 buddies and parents through their online digital portfolio, Seesaw. Science - Body and health awareness SS - Impact of family life and school life English - Oral language skills: working with others and speaking for understanding Math - Creating routines using data Art - Setting learning routines in the art classroom Drama - Beginning to understand acting through role playing Music - Introduction to song, instruments and performance etiquette PE - Practice helps me develop my technique Library - Practicing Library routines Vietnamese -Greetings, introductions,, and body parts Focus on Learning by Subject Practice help Highlights of Learning Experiences