Super Unit Launch : Students will continue to understand themselves, their feelings and how they build relationships with other students and adults in their KG community. Field Trip : Picnic in the park! Guest Speakers : David Carpenter, our SSIS ES counselor, will share experiences of well-being and how to become part of a community. Core Values Academic Excellence: I am developing my understanding about the groups and communities I belong to. Sense of Self: I understand my strengths and can develop new ideas to contribute to my community. Respect for All: I respond to diversity with respect and kindness. Balance in Life: I can learn in many ways and in many environments. Dedicated Service: I can show appreciation of nature and show respect of different environments. Super Unit Celebration : Gallery walk of all creative arts done throughout the unit. Physical Development and Motor skills ● The child will demonstrate an awareness of his/her body in space and their relationship to objects in space. ● The child will practice healthy and safe habits. Social and Emotional Development ● The child will develop relationships and social skills with adults. ● The child will develop relationships and social skills with peers. Approaches to Play and Learning ● The child will demonstrate interest and curiosity. ● The child will demonstrate a cooperative and flexible approach to play and learning. Communication, Language and Literacy ● The child will listen to conversations and demonstrate comprehension. ● The child will acquire vocabulary introduced in conversations, activities, stories, and/or books. ● The child will use nonverbal communication for a variety of purposes. Cognitive Development and General Knowledge ● The child will organize, represent, and build knowledge of number and quantity. ● The child will explore and communicate about distance, weight, length, height and time. ● The child will demonstrate scientific inquiry skills. ● The child will demonstrate understanding of his/her family and an emerging awareness of their own culture and ethnicity. Focus on Learning by Area People’s relationships with others and th Highlights of Learning Experiences
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