
Super Unit Launch : Parent interviews and student staggered start. Getting to know your teachers and your classroom. Guest Speakers : ES specialists will come to the classrooms and tell a little more about who they are so the children get to know them a little bit more. Projects : Students will be creating many examples of learning about themselves to share with parents via Seesaw. Core Values Academic Excellence: Collaboration Sense of Self: Sense of Community Respect for All: Respect Balance in Life: Wellness Super Unit Celebration : The students will create projects that reflect who they are and this will be shared through pictures and videos on Seesaw. Physical Development and Motor skills ● Practice healthy and safe habits ● The child will demonstrate fine motor skills Social and Emotional Development ● Develop self-awareness ● Engage in self-expression Approaches to Play and Learning ● Demonstrate interest and curiosity Communication, Language and Literacy ● Listen to conversations for a variety of purposes and demonstrate comprehension ● Acquire vocabulary introduced in conversations, activities, stories and/or books. ● U se non-verbal communication for a variety of purposes. ● The child will demonstrate increasing knowledge of the alphabet Cognitive Development and General Knowledge ● Organize, represent, and build knowledge of quantity and number ● Manipulate, compare, and describe relationships using quantity and number ● Explore, recognize, and describe shapes and shape concepts ● Demonstrate scientific inquiry skills ● Demonstrate understanding of his/her family and an emerging awareness of their own culture and ethnicity ● Create, observe, and analyze visual art forms to develop artistic expression Focus on Learning by Area How can I ex Highlights of Learning Experiences