
SuperUnit Launch: Nature Walk the Crescent Park, Week of January 13 Field Trip(s): Nature Walks to Crescent Park and surrounding neighborhood Projects: growing plants, labels for campus plants and animals, book-making Core Values: Sense of Self: Community Balance in Life: Wellness Dedicated Service: Service Learning SuperUnit Celebration: sharing learning with families Communication, Language, and Literacy ● Acquire meaning from a variety of materials read to him/her ● Demonstrate awareness of print concepts ● Use writing for a variety of purposes Cognitive Development and General Knowledge Mathematics: ● Manipulate, compare, describe relationships and solve problems using number and quantity ● Practices combining, separating and naming quantities ● Describes data from classroom graphs using numerical math language Science ● Demonstrate scientific inquiry skills. ● Demonstrate knowledge related to living things and their environments. ● Demonstrate an awareness of and the need to protect their environment Thinking Skills ● Demonstrate awareness of cause and effect. ● Demonstrate problem-solving skills. Focus on Learning by Subject Nature is Highlights of Learning Experiences