EC_18-19_Understanding Ourselves

SuperUnit Launch : Animal Exploration on our Playground Field Trip(s): Bioblitz around campus Guest Speaker(s): Animal Adventure Fridays - different speakers will come and share their animal adventures with us Project(s): Displays of how students learned about and respect animals Core Values Academic Excellence: Foundational Knowledge Sense of Self: Lifelong Learning, Leadership Respect for All: Respect Dedicated Service: Environmental Responsibility SuperUnit Celebration: Classroom Habitat Tours Physical Development and Motor Skills ● Demonstrate an awareness of the body in space and child’s relationship to objects in space Social and Emotional Development ● Demonstrate self-control Approaches to Play and Learning ● Demonstrate initiative and self-direction Communication, Language, and Literacy ● Use increasingly complex spoken language ● Develop early phonological awareness Cognitive Development and General Knowledge ● Sort, order, classify, and create patterns ● Explore, recognize, and describe spatial relationships between objects ● Demonstrate knowledge related to living things and their environments ● Create, observe, and analyze visual art forms to develop artistic expression Focus on Learning by Subject We can be kind to animals by le Highlights of Learning Experiences