s in different ways. ● What are some words you might use to describe how something is moving? ● What are some things that can make objects move? ● What are some things you can move, and what are some things you can’t move? What makes them different? ● How do different living things move? Questions to Ask your Child Home Learning Suggested Home Extensions Key Vocabulary ● Look around your house and see what moves ● Try moving your body in different ways. How many giant steps does it take to get to the door? How many tiny tip toe steps? ● Encourage your child to compare sizes of common household items. Use words like: taller, shorter, longer. For example, put the family shoes in order by size. ● Take a movement walk outside. What moves? Why is it moving? ● Take different types of transportation with your child around town. pull short slide turn push tall bounce gravity light roll flow measure heavy spin rotate movement
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