G1_18-19_Understanding Ourselves

Questions to Ask your Child Home Learning Suggested Home Extensions Key Vocabulary me improve. ● What is improvement? ● What happens when we improve? ● What is practice? ● Why is good practice? ● Why is it important to be healthy? ● What are some healthy choices we can make for our bodies? ● Read books or magazines about nutrition, exercise, and making healthy choices. ● Find a healthy recipe and cook together as a family. ● Visit www.gonoodle.com and create a family account. Have fun doing exercise videos and learning meditation techniques. ● As a family, document how many fruits and vegetables you eat during family meals. Discuss how your family can improve to develop healthier eating habits. ● Discuss how much technology use (TV, computer, iPad) you think is acceptable for the members of your family. Talk about how you can improve yourselves by doing alternative activities at home. ● Try to learn a new, challenging activity or game as a family. Together, work on improving through practice. ● Practice ● Improvement ● Reflective thinking ● Stamina ● Growth mindset