EC_18-19_Understanding Ourselves

SuperUnit Launch : Students will experience scientific provocations and observe how the scientific method is used to answer a question. Students will observe how one can share their scientific knowledge with others. Field Trip: SnowTown, District 2 Guest Speakers: Saigon Scientists Projects: Ice Melting Machine Challenge in the Makerspace, Digital presentation Core Values : Academic Excellence and Dedicated Service. SuperUnit Celebration: Video Gala Screening with Grade 1 students Science: States of matter, changing states of matter, the Scientific Method SS: Planning a public speaking presentation English: Reading nonfiction, writing lab reports and scripting a video presentation Math : Becoming fluent with addition and subtraction Art: Changing states of art materials: Melting crayon collages, marbled paper, crayon resist watercolor Drama: Performance and presentation skills Music : Compose and perform a song about being a scientist. Incorporate creative movement PE : Swimming, flag football Vietnamese: Students will improve vocabulary in sport and entertainment topics. Students can introduce their favorite sport and what they like doing in their free time. Scientists share their curiosities, que Highlights of Learning Experiences Focus on Learning by Subject