EC_18-19_Understanding Ourselves

Questions to Ask your Child Home Learning Suggested Home Extensions Key Vocabulary and Phrases hen we engage and empathise with others. ● Who are the different members of the school community you have engaged with today? ● What are some ways we can engage with other people? ● How can you show empathy with _____ (a member of the family)? ● How could you help your brother/sister with something that is difficult for them? ● How can we strengthen our community? ● How can we treat people who help our apartment community? ● How can we treat people who help us? ● Go to the library and check out books that help you learn about the different roles within a community and also about empathy: ○ Books about history ○ Books about culture ○ Biographies ● Engage with family members: parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, maids, and helpers to further develop a strong home community ● Read a book together and talk about the different perspectives of the characters. Take your family to the 3D museum. Discuss what you see: ● Does everyone in your family see all the pictures in the exact same way? Take time to engage with someone at home that helps you, e.g. maid, driver etc. Make an information page that: ● Informs about who that person is e.g. come from, family members, hobbies etc. ● Shows appreciation for that person’s contribution to your life. Perspective, kaleidoscope, diversity, culture, empathy, compassion, point of view, engage, connection, contribute “Walking in someone else’s shoes.” “Seeing through the eyes of others.” “Empathising with others.” “We all contribute to the school community.”