
SuperUnit Launch: Classroom Heap - Students will inquire into the need for effective systems in classrooms. Field Trip(s): Neighborhood Walks, Bus Tour of PMH, Water Taxi Tour, PMH Security Guard Demonstration, Fire Department Guest Speaker(s): Ms. Gayle Tsien, Dr. Moran Project: Learners will use their knowledge of efficient and effective systems to develop solutions that address problems they identify within their local community systems. They will develop a solution to the problem and design a webpage to share their ideas with other community members. Core Values: ● Academic Excellence: Critical Thinking (Critical thinking is disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence.) ● Dedicated Service: Social and Environmental Responsibility (Social and environmental responsibility integrates social and environmental concerns in operations and interactions with all stakeholders in order to balance economic, environmental and social imperatives.) SuperUnit Celebration: We will celebrate the launch of our collaborative website and view each other’s projects in our classrooms. Parents are invited. Science: Water cycles, looking at the processes of transpiration, evaporation, condensation, precipitation. SS: Geography, focusing on elements of maps and globes. Examine ways in which tools and techniques make certain tasks easier. English: Opinion language (written and oral), Mystery Book Clubs Math: Fractions, measurement, and angles. Art: Students will learn the 6 basic elements of good logo design using colors, symbols and specialized fonts. They will then use this knowledge to design logos in their homeroom class as part of their projects. Library: Inquiry into why the library uses a system to organize its books? Nonfiction reading about community system organizations. Drama: Students will create short plays to dramatise a community system. They will work on meeting a SCHOOL community need through providing entertainment at an assembly. Music: Learning about how the four parts of the symphonic orchestra work together to create arrangements. PE: Noticing systems within the game of volleyball and how all parts must work together to play successfully.How do sports help meet community needs? Vietnamese: Learning how the Vietnamese government system helps to meet community needs. Writing letters to local representatives to make changes happen. Systems are developed to meet the needs o Highlights of Learning Experiences Focus on Learning by Subject