
SuperUnit Launch: “Discovery Week”, exploring different facets of music, physical activities, drama, Vietnam and tourism, explorers throughout time, scientific processes and materials Field Trip(s): Various Charities Guest Speaker(s): HS Students, Dr. Norkeliunas, Ms. Roxanne, Service Organizers Project: Students will explore local service organizations, select a service learning project, and implement. Final presentation to a potential audience of interested people that may be able to help sustain the service. Core Values: Sense of Self, Lifelong Learning Dedicated Service, Service Learning SuperUnit Celebration: Exploration Stations, December, SSIS Campus Science: Exploring science materials and the scientific process. SS: Case studies on a variety of explorers and events in history. English: Exploring Open Genre, Lab Reports, Active Reading/Book Partnerships Math: Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers Art: Open Art Studio: Exploring Art Media with Digital Painting, Stop Motion, Jelly Plates. Drama: Exploring playwriting and gathering ideas to create and perform short plays. Music: Exploring percussion Instruments and world music styles PE: Exploring movement, fitness, gymnastics, and parkour Vietnamese: Exploring Northern Vietnam and how tourism can be sustainable Focus on Learning by Subject Increasing awareness can mak Highlights of Learning Experiences