
Questions to Ask your Child Suggested Home Extensions Key Vocabulary go Through Life Cycles We Can Observe ● How do plants and animals change over their lifetime? ● What skills can we use to gather and record information? ● How do living things interact in our environment? Home Learning ● Go for a walk near a river or park and talk about what grows and how it survives. ● Check out National Geographic for Kids online. ● Discuss previous trips, vacations or visits where you have seen different animals, what they were and where they lived. ● Take photos, read books or draw pictures of plants, animals or insects that you have observed with your child. ● Have your child make a mobile of the different stages of a life cycle for a particular plant or animal. ● Have your child use the five senses vocabulary (see, hear, taste, smell, touch) to explore nature around them. ● Plant a seed at home with your child and observe and record the changes you see in it. ● life cycle ● survive ● interview ● reproduce ● decompose/decay ● change/ germination/ metamorphosis ● observation / recording ● plant / animal / insect/ nature ● first, next, then, last