SuperUnit Launch:
Call to Action by Dr. Keller.
Field Trips:
Saigon Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Guest Speakers:
Chris Beanes - Landscape Architect, Experts from
Primate Recovery Center
Learners will develop a plan to help organisms in the park.
Core Values:
Academic Excellence - Critical Thinking, Collaboration
Respect for All - Respect
Dedicated Service - Community and Social Responsibility
SuperUnit Celebration:
Little Dragons Park Celebration Stations
Focus on Learning by Subject
How can we help organisms
Highlights of Learning Experiences
Habitats. Living and nonliving things. What do organisms
need to thrive? Environmental observations. How do human choices
impact organisms?
Social Studies:
Grade 1 Campus Rangers - children teaching children
about the garden habitat.
All About Book writing - information writing.
Unit 3: Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Unit 4: Sorting,
Comparing and Ordering
Clay and Paper Mache
Environmental awareness songs and ranger theme song
What do we need to do as a living organism, to thrive? Yoga -
breathing techniques.
Nonfiction texts