SuperUnit Launch: “Discovery Week”, exploring different facets of music, physical activities, drama,
Vietnam and tourism, explorers throughout time, scientific processes and materials
Field Trip(s):
Various Charities
Guest Speaker(s):
HS Students, Dr. Norkeliunas
Students will explore local service organizations, select a service learning project,
and implement. Final presentation to a potential audience of interested people that
may be able to help sustain the service.
Core Values:
Sense of Self, Lifelong Learning
Dedicated Service, Service Learning
SuperUnit Celebration: Exploration Stations, Friday December 8, SSIS Campus
Exploring science materials and the scientific process.
Case studies on a variety of explorers through time.
English: Exploring Open Genre/The Writing Process, Active Reading/Book Partnerships
Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers
Art: Exploring art media (some new, some with prior knowledge) as an open studio concept.
Exploring how characters react in different settings using props and costumes.
Wacky instruments
Exploring water games and making new ones
Vietnamese: Exploring Northern Vietnam and how tourism can be sustainable
Focus on Learning by Subject
Exploring impacts
Highlights of Learning Experiences