Questions to Ask your Child
Suggested Home Extensions
Key Vocabulary
go Through Life Cycles We Can Observe
What is a life cycle?
How do plants and animals change over their lifetime?
How can we use our senses to gather and record information?
Why do plants and animals reproduce?
Home Learning
Go for a walk near a river or park and talk about what grows and
how it survives.
Check out National Geographic for Kids online.
Discuss previous trips, vacations or visits where you have seen
different animals, what they were and where they lived.
Take photos, read books or draw pictures of plants, animals or
insects that you have observed with your child.
Have your child make a mobile of the different stages of a life
cycle for a particular plant or animal.
Have your child use the five senses vocabulary (see, hear, taste,
smell, touch) to explore nature around them.
Plant a seed at home with your child and observe and record the
changes you see in it.
life cycle
five senses (see, hear, taste,
smell, touch)
observation / note-taking
plant / animal / insect
First, next, then, last