
Super Unit Launch : Friday, March 22nd, 2019 Field Trip(s) : PMH local areas and Community Bus Tour Guest Speaker(s ): Local members of our community Project : A “Change Over Time Showcase” created by students Core Values : Academic Excellence (self-management, critical thinking and collaboration), Respect for All (diversity), Dedicated Service (social and environmental responsibility) Super Unit Celebration : May 28-June 1, 2019; Students will tour members of our community around the Change Over Time Showcase Physical Development and Motor skills ● Use senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste) to explore the environment and process information. Social and Emotional Development ● Develop relationships and social skills with peers. Approaches to Play and Learning ● Demonstrate interest and curiosity. Communication, Language and Literacy ● Use nonfiction writing for a variety of purposes. ● Acquire meaning from a variety of resources. Cognitive Development and General Knowledge ● Interactions and relationship between human societies and their physical environment . ● Understand an awareness of geography in his or her community. ● Understand the passage of time and how events are related. ● Engineering & Design: Using design cycle for creating museum displays. Enduring understanding: Th Highlights of Learning Experiences Focus on Learning by Area