
Earth has changed over time. ● How have you changed over time? ● What changes have you noticed in our local community? Questions to Ask your Child Home Learning Suggested Home Extensions Key Vocabulary ● Go for visits to different museums and discuss what it means to preserve information and ancient artifacts. ● Check out National Geographic for Kids online for information on how our Earth has changed over time. ● Make a timeline with your child from baby to present day. Share with your child pictures of yourself as a child. ● Take a walk in your neighborhood and record the changes you see happening all around you. ● Explore a variety of materials with your child. Examples: Cooking/baking, building, creating, painting, etc. ● Take your child to PMH headquarters to observe changes in our community. ● Change ● Earth ● Discoveries ● Explore ● Systems ● Extinction ● Timeline ● Evidence ● Sustainable ● Curiosity